Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Polka Dots on Nails

Hello all you beautiful people. Since i bought a bunch of new nail paints few days back, I thought of trying them out today. So while painting my nails I got a little playful and thought of doing polka dots on my nails. Its  much easier than i thought and if I can do it anybody can do it. I have not used any nail art tools.

So what are you thinking?? Lets just get started with this easy to do polka dot nail art.

Things you require for this are nail paints of your choice and toothpicks.

Step 1:  Remove any previous nail paints that you have and see to it that there are no traces left.

Step 2: File your nails in the desired shape. If you have a nail buffer then buff your nails.

Step 3: Then take the nail paints you wish to use. For this I have opted for two variations orange and white/blue and green.Apply the base color as you would normally do. In one I have opted for orange as my base color and in other one green. To enhance it a little more I painted the ring finger with white and blue nail paints respectively as shown in the picture below.

Step 4: Let the base dry completely before moving on to next step.

Step 5: Now comes the tricky part and that is to make dots. Now for this take the nail paint you  chose for the ring finger and since i had opted for white/blue respectively i will use these two colors. Take out a drop of the nail paint on a tissue and then dip the tip of the toothpick in the white/blue nail paint and start making dots on the nails as shown in the picture below. Don't worry you don't have to be perfect.

Step 6: Then repeat the same for the ringer finger. Take a drop of orange/green color and make dots on the ring finger and let them all dry.

Voila its done. See how easy it was and how pretty it looks. Do try this and let us know how it looked.


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